Saturday 8 July 2017


The Are Are football group, Sewa Soka Nutz is currently on a great path in their football plans for 2017. The group which was established purposely to allow the members to stay fit and be united in the game of football has continued its positive impact in their own society and the latest news that continues to motivate them is their planned tours to Malaita and Fiji this year.

The Sewa Soka Nutz consisted of veteran internationals, Marlon Houkarawa, William Omokirio, Gideon Omokirio and others who are all from the Are Are region in Malaita. The proposed tours to Malaita and Fiji are now in plan and the group management called on all members to be at the Wednesday session at Ports field for the preparation. There’ll be a selected team based on attendance and commitment to the scheduled dates of training. All the members are urged to commit themselves to the training this week.

The Fiji tour is expected to be the most anticipated one as there has been a positive response from the teams in Fiji all looking forward to the group’s tour. Football now is more than just being competitive but it also helps in keeping together people and uniting them with one passion, to play football. The spokesperson for Sewa Soka Nutz, Biko Tarohimae expressed that it is essential to have all members attending training. “I think such opportunities to play football at this level is awesome and therefore, I call upon all the Sewa Soka Nutz members to attend the training on Wednesday,” said Mr. Biko Tarohimae.

The team management is expected to give out more information regarding the proposed tours this Wednesday.

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