Tuesday 16 August 2016


Solomon Islands National Futsal team have been in preparation for the last few months and have been shaping into a very matured and well-conditioned team. Solomon Islands have successfully won five consecutive futsal championship two of which were Futsal World cup qualifiers. The team which dubbed as Pacific’s best is probably the most inspirational futsal team from the pacific having to build their victories without even having a proper futsal court.

Solomon Islands have produced probably the most talented futsal players over the years in the likes of Emmanuel Harihiru who is currently playing in Australia, Elliot Ragomo the inspirational captain who now is playing professionally in Brazil, Jack Wetney the skillful lad and Micah Lea’alafa the incredible speedstar. Along with this amazing players we have some memorable goal keepers such as Paul Huia and our very own youngstar Anthony Talo. Mr Talo who was the youngest in the team in their previeous world cup was the one responsible for the win after a superb long distance shot that earned Kurukuru their first ever win in a world cup tournament.

Anthony Talo who is not a new face to football for Solomon Islands having represented Solomon Islands in beach soccer world cup, Oceania Club Championship and futsal world cup is a household name. The young Malaitan lad have always been a talent in his family and having brought up from a footballing family himself, he did not disappoint his family by excelling in the sport. In the recent world cup preparation for Kurukuru, Mr Talo have surprising decended back to Solomon Islands leaving the Kurukuru team to quickly call for Philip Mango as replacement. The reason surrounding Kurukuru’s number one goal keeper’s return is unknown but have believed to be a personal decision by the goal keeper himself. Friends and many supporters are in shock as the youngstar was seen in Honiara few days ago. Unable to reach Mr Talo for more comments, the reason behind his return was totally personal and it has nothing to do with the team itself. All the players and coaching staff wish Anthony all the best and to recover from whatever personal reason that have really caused him to fly back home.

Elliot Ragomo and George Stevenson both exceptional players are currently in brazil and are sudden by the news too but they have pledged their moral support with their fellow goal keeper Mr Talo and wish him a safe journey back home. For many, sport is all we dream about and to achieve as many goals in this game as possible. However, the reality is far greater and our national futsal goal keeper have definitely proven to be a very special player as he considers his personal decision quite important and for that, all of the team and also Solomon Islanders support this lad and wish him all the best in his future. Filling in the gap is none other but our exceptional national goal keeper Philip Mango who is no stranger to futsal. Philip started off gradually in futsal before making his scene out on the eleven aside so his commitment to replace Talo was timely. Solomon Islands is looking positive and determined to improve more in these few weeks before their world cup compaign kicks off.


  1. this is a very sad news....however, let us not keep our hopes down...we must believe in our boys and let them do whatever that needs to be done out there...thanks Leke International Productions for the updates

    1. Thank you very much Mr Pahu. It is my pleasure to keep you updated.

  2. Guys find out kam lo reason for hem pull back...

  3. The reason sorrounding our fellow goal keeper for coming back is personal because it is quite confidental to himself. We do not want to speculate on such issue because of the respect towards the player.
    It is unfortunate for this turn of event but definitely time Kurukuru need to be together and work the extra yard.

    Go Solo go

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OMG..it is unexpectable news coming out from our flying kurukuru but just accept the fact and hope his return isn't do with the team but his personal decision..gokurukurugo

  6. Wow
    So shocking to know about Talo's exit. Hope his decision does not disturb the other boys. But good luck to our boys.
    Go Kurukuru Go

  7. Wow
    So shocking to know about Talo's exit. Hope his decision does not disturb the other boys. But good luck to our boys.
    Go Kurukuru Go
