Monday 22 August 2016


We once celebrated our heroes as they return from an impressive result against the mighty Socceroos. We once all unitedly flooded the gates of Lawson tama to support our impressive footballers as we saw Henry Fa’arodo Jnr converted an exceptionally penalty that raptured the whole of the stadium as we celebrated our football best moments. Indeed, from the impeccable commentary of our famous Bart Basia to the emotional second loss in our 2008 OFC Nations cup. Our football has been the driving force behind so many mixed emotions for us as a nation. For all we wanted was to excel in the football scene and be proud of our nation. For many years, we seek for the solution to inspire us to our major international tournament and often we blame the coaches, the players and even the fans on many occasions. The Administrators of football in Solomon Islands also have the blame too for our football not achieving the football achievements we all wished for.

There are many factors contributing to our football’s decline in terms of our achievement compared to some of our best outings and we all can identify these factors as coaching, players and administrating areas that have somehow failed in their part over the years. In addressing this, we have now have some very well experienced and qualified coaches and some of our players have been exposed to top leagues around the Oceania already. Our football administration is now renewing itself and things are slowing building up back with a very good effort by our National men’s team in progressing into the world cup qualifiers in 2017. One of the most important aspect of our football that for so long have been neglected and in some ways overlooked is our youth football. Gone are those days of the strong youth football academy and youth competition in football. In modern Solomon Islands football, almost all the resources are into the men’s competition and while it is definitely a positive aspect of football, I strongly believe it is time we swift our main resources into youth football. The evidence of youth football as one of the powerful development aspect of football is evidential globally. The current Portugal side that won the Euro2016 consists of a majority of their U20 Portugal team that played in the previous 2015 U20 world cup in New Zealand. The Brazilian side that took gold in the recent olympic football tournament made up of all the U20 players of Brazil that have took part in the U20 world cup as well. One of the best defenders in the world Thiago and David Luiz of Brazil started playing together in the youth system and eventually ended up in the national team. Lionel Messi and his Barcelona companions have all shared the Barcelona academy since childhood and now they are playing unbelievable football. It is quite clear that youth football is the way forward for Solomon Islands. Investing in youth football should definitely be the primary goal for Solomon Islands as this is the level in which we can positively mentor players both physically and mentally. Instead of waiting for an unexpected talent to come out in his mature days and drafted him into the squad, let us actually mentor the young talented into amazing future prospects both locally and internationally.

In contrast to this youth level approach, the smaller code of football known as futsal in the Solomon Islands is definitely a very positive example of investing in youth football. Elliot Ragomo, Jack Wetney, James Egeta, Micah Lea’alafa etc… were all young futsal players coached locally and sent to Australia to compete in the state competition in Australia and gain experience and exposure to a different atmosphere of futsal. Although it seemed as just another trip to some big city back in the days, this first experiences have shaped these boys into their modern achievements. Now they all are appearing in their third world cup and now as matured men. Henry Fa’arodo our current National team captain is one of the exceptional footballers the Oceania have ever witnessed that have graced the football field. An international player with so much character and inspiration for younger players now but he has started quite early in football and have been involved in football in structural trainings all through his youth and he is now one of the best footballers in the Pacific. It is definitely the right time for us to invest in our youth football. Maybe we have invested in it in the past but somehow it died out and it is quite evidential in our current crop of players. We have the amazing natural talent but we often lack the mental side of football. The most effective way of building and developing the mental side of the football is from an early age.

We have the football leagues running around Solomon Islands now and have attracted a lot of football fans. We do have some short youth competition as schools and clubs but can we do more than that? I believe we can and we must now. The possibilities of having one of the most feared footballing team of all time is there, knowing that the natural talents we have is incredible and managing it from an early age will only allow a new generation of Solomon Islands footballers, to take us to where we have always dreamed of. Now the question of who is responsible will be the next big question to ask. The answer is simple; we are the ones responsible for this. As parents who want your kids to be successful in football, you are responsible to implement the right values in your kids before they go to their football trainings. Coaches are responsible for sacrificing your time to teach the youth level and being the football father figure for the youths to follow and model after. Administrators must make sure that there is sufficient competition locally and internationally for our youths to be involved in and finally supporters we must always be positive and help our youths to excel in their strive for success. We once dreamed of Solomon Islands in the FIFA Football World Cup and somehow many of these dreams have washed away but maybe it is not a time to dream anymore but start working towards this goal by investing in our youths. If the bigger countries such as New Zealand, Australia and Fiji can do it in their youth football then Solomon Islands we can do it even better. Finally, investing in youth football also keeps our youths away from negative activities but adds value to their life and may we always seek God for his guidance in our lives.

Solomon Islands, the answer to our football rise is in our youths. Let us invest in our youth football. God bless Solomon Islands football.

Tuesday 16 August 2016


Solomon Islands National Futsal team have been in preparation for the last few months and have been shaping into a very matured and well-conditioned team. Solomon Islands have successfully won five consecutive futsal championship two of which were Futsal World cup qualifiers. The team which dubbed as Pacific’s best is probably the most inspirational futsal team from the pacific having to build their victories without even having a proper futsal court.

Solomon Islands have produced probably the most talented futsal players over the years in the likes of Emmanuel Harihiru who is currently playing in Australia, Elliot Ragomo the inspirational captain who now is playing professionally in Brazil, Jack Wetney the skillful lad and Micah Lea’alafa the incredible speedstar. Along with this amazing players we have some memorable goal keepers such as Paul Huia and our very own youngstar Anthony Talo. Mr Talo who was the youngest in the team in their previeous world cup was the one responsible for the win after a superb long distance shot that earned Kurukuru their first ever win in a world cup tournament.

Anthony Talo who is not a new face to football for Solomon Islands having represented Solomon Islands in beach soccer world cup, Oceania Club Championship and futsal world cup is a household name. The young Malaitan lad have always been a talent in his family and having brought up from a footballing family himself, he did not disappoint his family by excelling in the sport. In the recent world cup preparation for Kurukuru, Mr Talo have surprising decended back to Solomon Islands leaving the Kurukuru team to quickly call for Philip Mango as replacement. The reason surrounding Kurukuru’s number one goal keeper’s return is unknown but have believed to be a personal decision by the goal keeper himself. Friends and many supporters are in shock as the youngstar was seen in Honiara few days ago. Unable to reach Mr Talo for more comments, the reason behind his return was totally personal and it has nothing to do with the team itself. All the players and coaching staff wish Anthony all the best and to recover from whatever personal reason that have really caused him to fly back home.

Elliot Ragomo and George Stevenson both exceptional players are currently in brazil and are sudden by the news too but they have pledged their moral support with their fellow goal keeper Mr Talo and wish him a safe journey back home. For many, sport is all we dream about and to achieve as many goals in this game as possible. However, the reality is far greater and our national futsal goal keeper have definitely proven to be a very special player as he considers his personal decision quite important and for that, all of the team and also Solomon Islanders support this lad and wish him all the best in his future. Filling in the gap is none other but our exceptional national goal keeper Philip Mango who is no stranger to futsal. Philip started off gradually in futsal before making his scene out on the eleven aside so his commitment to replace Talo was timely. Solomon Islands is looking positive and determined to improve more in these few weeks before their world cup compaign kicks off.

Monday 8 August 2016


Solomon Islands an island nation blessed with natural resources, talented people, diverse cultures and beautiful islands. A nation that have endured a lot of positive and negative experiences and have shaped it to what it is now.  Blessed with an incredible summer weather but also cursed with unpredictable natural disasters. Through the thick and thin, it still stands today as Solomon Islands.

It was not long ago that mobile phones were introduced in Solomon Islands and followed by the latest laptops, vehicles and etc.… A small nation but with a lot of people who are looking to experience the life of the western world and therefore have influenced a lot of the younger generation. The introduction of internet access to the public have revolutionized all Solomon Islanders especially the youths as cultures and traditional ways of life is gradually disappearing. Many of Solomon Islands modern day leaders only seek power to later serve themselves and not the people. The politics is having been dramatically influenced to be personal than neutral and a lot of people suffering in their own lands. These are treads of negative impacts of people doing the wrong things in their respective fields. In all of these happenings, one particular objective that all Solomon Islanders look forward to is development. The word development is a word which all Solomon Islanders have searched for and still today waiting for it to occur. A change to the government, a change to the attitude of people, a change to the infrastructures, a change to business people, a change to sport and a change to the nation. These changes are what we call development.  The interesting and probably the most important question to be asked is how can we Solomon Islanders develop our nation.

In seeking for development, there are number of questions that pops up. Is the government responsible for development? Are the business people responsible for development? Are the citizens responsible for development? Although all these question somehow have truth in them, the reality is that first and foremost a person that is responsible for development is ourselves individually. Development is basically a change. In order for Solomon Islands to develop, we must be the change and the transportation for development. It is not the government, the business sector, the leaders that must make contributions only to make development but we as Solomon Islands should be the change. No more blaming someone else, complaining about someone else or even expecting someone else to create development. We have to be that change that will ignite the development within ourselves to contribute to larger scale of development for our beloved nation Solomon Islands.

We fight, we complain, we mourn and many times we ignore but the reality is that Solomon Islands is a country united by everyone and divided when we break apart. The infectious smile from the children gives hope that we can still make it through. The hardworking fishermen in the islands tells us that life is more than stressing in the offices but it’s about being part with the nature. The hardworking people in the offices gives us hope that we are intelligent enough to create development and finally, the prayers from our churches continues to be the anchor and guiding element for us. We have it all, the smiles, the weather, the resources and the people. We all need to be the change and until we realise this, we will never move forward. Solomon Islands, we can make it. Be the change!

Saturday 6 August 2016


Football is a world sport and one of the main reason behind this is because of its vibrant supporters. Solomon Islands is one of the most football dominated nation in the Oceania and have also been well known for producing some of the finest when it comes to individual players. However, the greatest feeling ever for Solomon Islanders is to spend their weekend afternoons at Lawson Tama watching their local clubs battle out for the top spot.

Solomon Islands is one of the well-known footballing nation in the pacific and have a rich history of being very competitive in the game. However recently the national teams’ performances are not quite successful as the crazy supporters expected however, the local football league called TSL (Telekom Super League) was the ground for all the passion of football to be poured out. The TSL is the top club football league in Solomon Islands and all the big names for Solomon Islands football are showcasing their talents there for their respective clubs. Some of the most powerful clubs currently playing in this league is Solomon Warriors, Kossa, Marist, Western United and Koloale or as they are locally known as ‘Men in Green’. The clubs all have their great history and have had a lot of generations of players and supporters loyal to them.

One of the top clubs is Koloale, a team that have been the household name in the top division for many years. This club have hosted a lot of the national reps for Solomon Islands including well-known names such as Batram Suri, Henry Fa’arodo, Marlon Houkarawa, Gideon Omokirio, Fred Hale and Benjamin Totori to name a few. Koloale over the years have been one of the best clubs in Solomon Islands and have been quite the most diverse club too. However, the fairy tale story wasn’t of Koloale’s to keep forever as they have lately been a club faced with a lot of struggle both management wise and also the team as a whole. In 2015, the team have barely struggled to maintain its reputation and incredibly managed to secure their spot in the top league. This year 2016 dawns a new year for Koloale Football club as head coach and former player Marlon Houkarawa is determined that he has got a golden generation of Koloale footballers to develop and help raise the men in green legacy back to where it belongs. Coach Houkarawa who is no stranger to football is probably one of the young coaches in the TSL and have already inspired a youthful Koloale side to its first victory against a much fierce and experience Marist side. To many, football can be quite predictable when it comes to the players the team have but in reality it is actually how much passion and commitment one puts into a match that wins a match. Koloale today have inspired their supporters to dream again and have faith in them as they look to battle their way through the very strong TSL season.

Koloale although have faced a very difficult patch in its management but they have also received a prodigal son Ian Paia. Mr Paia who has been with Koloale since a child have transferred to Solomon Warriors few years back and after a very successful spell in the Red and white uniform of Warriors, he has decided to return to the men in green. In his first game, Ian have stamped his presence with a remarkable strike that left the hundreds watching in awe as Koloale supporters welcome back their striker. The current team of Koloale is looking to rewrite history with its new set of players and a couple of old legs that are still passionate about the club. Now after so many disappointing TSL Season, Koloale fans can now come out in numbers and support their men in green as promising talents are gradually emerging within the green uniform.  

Now dawns a new TSL season and every team will be aiming for the top spot after round one and Koloale is amongst these teams aiming for the top position. Now Solomon Islands fans can rest assured that there will be more unpredictable results coming their way as all the teams in the competition are eager to beat their opponents. Good luck to the ‘Men in Green’ and may the best team wins.

Picture: courtesy of Zahid Photography