Sunday 6 November 2016


When we think of Solomon Islands, we first of all think of the negative things that are happening in our happy isles. We think of the weak and how they are still weak, we think of the miss-behaved youths and how they do not have any chance in their future. In other words, we simply consider the negatives more than the positive aspect of our country.

The title of my speech should already make you think of the negative things in Solomon Islands when it reads “Creating a better Solomon Islands”. I personally, think of the same path like many of us do too and that is negative. However, the reality behind this title or statement is significant and therefore, I as a student would like to share what I believe is there in creating a better Solomon Islands.

Solomon Islands is a small pacific island nation made up of a population of 561,23. It is located northwest of Australia and shares boundaries with Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. The little island nation has some significance in regards to the three races that lived together in the nation of Solomon Islands. The Polynesians, Micronesians, and the dominant Melanesians. We all know that we are very talented and that sometimes we often think we’re destined for great things. I do not wish to disappoint anyone but reality doesn’t always support our thoughts of being great. In fact, we’re stuck in a nation which the roads are decreasing in quality and the food is being unhealthy with so much untrusted goods suppliers supplying their products into the nation. The Solomon Islands economic is shockingly falling and the government is also struggling to regain their control over the economic state of this nation. Indeed, Solomon Islands is definitely going downwards. For many Solomon Islanders, it is a far cry and something that everyone wished for is to rise up again as a country and be the best there is. Unfortunately, nothing has happened and nothing continued to happen.

In saying all of those negative things, I myself have fallen in the same path I introduced my speech with and that is being negative. Now here is my simple message. Solomon Islands, we are still not that bad. We are still not that poor and we sure still not that uncivilized. The reality might be harsh on us but it is about how we all stand together and brave out the challenges we face. It is timely that we stop the negativity and bring in the positive approach to life. Yes, our roads are getting bad, the food is not up to standards and the economic is falling apart. These are all things to consider but the most important thing is that we the people of Solomon Islands are still here. Now the question that comes to everyone’s mind is “How can we make Solomon Islands better if we are already in such a challenging state?” well for me, the answer is to make Solomon Islands better is simply to make ourselves better.

Change is a concept of transforming from one particular state to another. Change can happen in Solomon Islands and there is no doubt about that. How could it happen? Is another question but the answer is there too? In order for change to occur, we ourselves the people of this nation needs to be that change. We need to be that voice; we need to be that symbol of hope. The government might be the representatives for us but we as people of Solomon Islands we should be the ones leading the changes in our personal lives. Yes, we can make Solomon Islands better. Yes, we can make Solomon Islands nicer and definitely we can change Solomon Islands for good. Stop complaining and start participating people.

Creating a better Solomon Islands shouldn’t be a statement that challenges us but a statement that motivated us to be lethal and on positive grounds to embrace the change. To all the youths of Solomon Islands, this is your country therefore be responsible and start acting like Solomon Islands citizens and stop acting like a poverty state. To the women of this nation Solomon Islands, stop gossiping and complaining and start managing and producing positive products to contribute positively to the growth of this nation. To the Men of Solomon Islands, your knowledge should be balanced by the wisdom that God gives and be a leader that seeks no compromise but only the truth and transparency. Be the change for the people and the people shall be your change. Let us all create a better Solomon Islands.