Wednesday 19 October 2016


Solomon Islands has seen few international players from Europe, Asia and Africa played in its top league. For these international footballers, it has been a very humbling and awesome experience to be in the beautiful Solomon Islands. One of the international players who has also played in Solomon Islands, is the Italian goal keeper Fabrizio maria pratticò. Frabizo as he is known by his fellow Western united team mates, is a very passionate footballer and as a goal keeper it was obvious his passion was even noticed by the Solomon Islands football fans when watching him in goals for Western united. Fabrizio maria pratticò who hails from Italy have featured in some of the top club teams in Europe with the likes of Italian clubs as Siena, Reggina and Sorrento. He then also featured for Syrianska football club in Sweden and recently before moving back to join Western United, he also was a member of Bi/Bolùngarvik football club in Iceland.
The softly spoken Italian was so full of passion for the game and it was an opportunity to listen to the man himself sharing his own experience and his personal take to football. In this interview, I was very fortunate to talk with Fabrizio maria pratticò whom after the interview even myself find to be one of the humblest individual.

What got you into football?

I believe it is probably my father. He was a goalkeeper too, and his dream was to become a professional goal keeper but he had some health problem and he had to quit. He however, sent me the same passion for the sport and for this role, the keeper, that I started to love when Juventus FC and his keeper, Gianluigi Buffon, came to play against the team of my city, Reggina Calcio. I was the ball boy at the Stadium. I was a kid, and I received his shirt after the game. Since that day I've fallen in love with soccer, the role of keeper, Juventus and Buffon.

What are some of the values that you have gained from playing football?

Probably the humility value. When I was only nineteen I had already made my debut in the second division in Italy, that's a good level, and I thought that the hardest part was over, but it was just the beginning. I had to start all over, and with the sacrifices I've gotten some good satisfaction. So this is probably the lesson that soccer gave me. You can have all the talent of the world, but without sacrifices, humility, and great desire to improve your level, you won't go far, as in soccer and as well as in life.

If you could list 3 football achievements in your life. What are they?

Ok, my first game as a professional footballer deserves a mention, but I was only nineteen and I didn't really realize what was happening to me, my life and my family.
My second best achievement was my first game in Sweden, we were playing against a good team of first division, Atvidabergs, and we drew 1-1 then at the end of the game I was awarded as Man of the match.
The third best achievement in my career will be with Western United. this season, I'm sure of that.

I know you have played football in Europe, how do you find football in the pacific especially Solomon Islands?

I can tell you that the level has already improved a lot in this year and a half that I've missed Solomon Islands. My team mates and also the other teams started to play a faster and more technical soccer. With some improvement from the tactical and discipline point of view, Solomon Islands can sit at the same level of New Zealand in a few years, but all we need is long range planning.
However, I am also convinced that the improvement of national football is related to an improvement of the plants, soccer facilities, which I found, unfortunately, quite poor to Honiara. But I hope that the Federation will work on it.  This country deserves it, because there is a lot of passion around soccer.

Everyone knows you play goal keeper, can you simply explain how important the goal keeper position in a football team?

I can say that probably nobody will believe me, but I'm quite sure that it's the hardest position to play. Keepers are the last defensive wall, after us there is the goal. We have to stay focus all the game, also when we do not touch the ball for a whole game. In the extra time, the danger is always behind the corner.
Keepers have to talk a lot to the defenders, because we can see the whole field. Goal keepers have to play with both hands and feet, keepers have to give to the team mates a feeling of safety. And, finally, keepers have to take the blame when the opposite teams score, even sometimes when we don't deserve it.

What are your encouragement for young Solomon Islands footballers who dream of becoming top goal keepers?

I always say never stop dreaming, but never continue daydreaming. I always recommend youth goal keepers to keep several open doors for the future, because you never know what kind of future your life has instore for you.
If they like soccer and play as keepers, I would advise them to never quit to study while they follow their dreams. They need passion, discipline because to be a professional goal keeper or any position it's not only about talent and ability, they will have to follow a straight line also out of the field, about food and drink, rest habits, especially with this weather. And, finally, never forget to enjoy, because at the end it's just a sport.

What are your future goals in regards to your football career?

I'm still 26 so I would like to play until my legs, my head and my heart can’t operate anymore. I want to repay the trust that Western United and Mr. Reginald Douglas, Mr. Dandan Falimae, Mr. Menapi Commins and Mr. Fa’a Moana gave to me to do something very important here. I love this country, and I've fallen in love with this team and my team mates. I dreamed of winning the TSL with this orange shirt. Then I don't know what I will do after that in my life, but I really hope to stay in the Solomon Islands for many years.

If you were not playing football, what would you do instead?

Football is my life but if I wasn’t playing it, I would have loved to teach Italian literature at school, or become a sport or music journalist because these are my passions too.

You do have a girlfriend and she hasn’t been to Solomon Islands with you. How does she cope with you being in the Solomon Islands?

I do have a girlfriend since almost a couple of years now, but unfortunately she's never been here, but she will soon. She's curious to understand why I love this place that much to convince me to leave, for a lot of months, my country, my family and the people who I love, every time that they call me to come.

What is your advice for the youths of Solomon Islands to be successful in life generally?

Like I said, they never have to stop following their dreams, but they have to be realistic. They have to love their fathers and mothers, because one day they will have to be great parents. And, maybe I'm monotonous but for me it's really important, they have to go to school, because school open their minds. Culture also open their minds, and an open minded individual will be more successful in life at every stage.

Picture by Daniel Brace

Sunday 16 October 2016


It is incredible how the world we live in is so much easy to communicate with everyone now. The most powerful organisations can be reached, the most hidden businesses can be contacted and the most difficult political groups can be heard. Every confrontation between individuals now is more accessible thanks to the modern world technologies and especially to the social media for giving such opportunities. Now in understanding the way social media operates, the most consistent users are the youths and the way they engage with the political groups within their societies. In understanding this, Henry Jenkins have research different approaches that are known to the world and is being used by youths in engaging with the outside world. Henry Jenkins wrote, “texting, tweeting and sending photos or videos, passing the word was the point”.  The most relevant concepts I have identified from Henry Jenkins that I believe is relevant to understand are; cultural jamming, transmedia and participatory culture.

Cultural Jamming, transmedia and participatory culture are all concepts that Henry Jenkins have identified as the ones helping youths in engaging with the outside world. These concepts also encourage a lot of involvement with political groups from normal citizens of any nation. Social media is the portal in which these concepts have been established and indeed these concepts have revolutionised the way in which message is being passed. In identifying these concepts, I have research my own nation of Solomon Islands in providing a sense of understanding. The Solomon Islands is a small country that is run by a government that is always changing. I believe one of these concepts is being strongly emphasised by the people of Solomon Islands and this proves that Henry Jenkin’s research is valid and can be related to the modern world events.
The modern world is completely different compared to the old world in regards to the way in which people engage with each other. The youths are an example of these modern world advancement. In one of Henry Jenkin’s concept that he has researched called cultural jamming. It is an interesting way in which youths have used to spread their messages. A simple definition of cultural jamming is changing the purpose of an advertisement through parody form. This parody then carries the actual message in which the particular group wants to share. It is quite obvious that this actual method is something that quite engaging when it comes to audience as audience are quickly attracted to such spin of things and eventually they are victims of the whole cultural jamming as quoted by Henry Jenkins “Mark Dery (1993) urge activist to disrupt the flow, block the signal, and hijack the signs coming from Hollywood and Madison Avenue.” The disruption and blocking of the signs are simple cultural jamming because they would then be able to transform the flow and the signals from the Hollywood and Madison Avenue to present their messages to the society.

The social media offers a very wide range of possible communicational ways for youths to engage with the outside world and also the political groups. One of the most effective concepts present in the modern day is transmedia. Transmedia basically means having to tell a certain message all over different platforms of the social media. This is exactly what youths of today are quite talented in. They create a certain message and they can spread the message all over the social media with different ways of communication ““texting, tweeting and sending photos or videos, passing the word was the point”. The politics of today is similar too. They often spread their agendas all over the social media in search of support but the reality is far greater than their actual agendas. Transmedia have been around schools and other smaller institutes including businesses and organisations. Transmedia is one handy way of transporting messages to all over the world because it has high possibilities that will reach the intended audience one way or the other.

Cultural jamming and transmedia are most influential way of spreading information to the world and for youths who often get engaged with political groups, they used these two specific concepts. One other concept that is quite obvious in the society is participatory culture. Participatory culture allows certain knowledge to be transferred from a more experienced individual to a less experienced person. Unlike other concepts which can have differences and power according to age, this particular concept focuses more on human-like survival. To participate in a culture is simple to be part of the actual culture. “The groups we discuss are differently situated in terms of their embrace of different media tactics…” Henry Jenkins firmly introduces participatory as the actual concept that the world is understanding. Indeed, the whole world has been shaped by knowledge being passed on by knowledgeable people. The society is much more the way it is because of these three incredible concepts of the society.

One of the interesting events that happened recently in Solomon Islands is that the government members had just passed a bill in the parliament that would allow them to not pay tax. In fighting against this insane step taken by the honourable members of Solomon Islands, the public is seeking for actual ways to contribute in ensuring the leaders do change their topic. As resulted, there were a lot of advertisement of honourable getting fed up with a lot of money and living carelessly in the parliament. Those parody add are meant especially to mock the honourable that actually get money in this particular way. Transmedia is quite relevant for this particular issue and I believe that Henry Jenkins have been correct than he was. Transmedia indeed have helped in this situation as youths now parody advertisement to share the message that the members of the parliament are stealing their own country. The motto of Solomon Islands stated “To Lead is to Serve” now after experiencing the whole bill being passed, youths have taken to social media and announced in a funny way that motto of Solomon Islands has been changed to “To lead is self-serve”. The message is obvious in this and credit to transmedia. The other two concepts can be used in this particular situation too but could not be as effective as transmedia concept is.

The world we live in is full of advanced technologies and sometimes it is quite difficult to listen to the sound of reality. Cultural jamming, transmedia and participatory cultures are all media cultures and should be entertained more often as it allows for many views to be heard overseas and locally. The most relevant concept that I believe should be maintained to sustain the present society is the transmedia concept. A simple concept but a worth considering. I personally believe that it has more effectiveness in reaching a greater audience with it. The world now is full of many different groups all searching for ways to influence the society, these concepts have the potential to help these groups to just that. The question now to ask ourselves is are we going to be using these concepts for the right reasons or are we going to use it for the wrong reason? Either way, these concepts can be very effective.